1. 3/7 10:22 ~Fra.: Andate quì per il divertimento! here!
  2. 3/6 17:57 attento che ti zampa un tir: http://cultarag eneraleeco.blog free.net/
  3. 3/6 17:56 attento che ti zampa un tir: cristiano ronaldo fai schifo meglio què http://cultarag eneraleeco.blog free.net/
  4. 2/5 18:42 queen_k: hii
  5. 24/4 18:40 trucchio: http://guitarwo rld.blogfree.ne t/ http://guitarwo rld.blogfree.ne t/http://guitar world.blogfree. net/
  6. 1/4 20:55 *-Chiaretta-*: [NO-Spam]Siete stati invitati a partecipare al contest up tra forum. se volete partecipare venite Qui!
  7. 15/3 21:26 magnezone44: [No spam] Siete invitati a partecipare al contest del Re, dove molti forum si sfideranno per vincere fantastici premi! Iscrivete i vostri forum in Questo topic e seguite il modulo di iscrizione. [No spam]
  8. 9/3 18:51 lula_7: ciao ragazze...se trovate qualcosa sul nostro amato cris postate pure..foto ,video e articoli quello ke volete!!!il vostro aiuto per il blog è bene accetto!!grazie
  9. 5/3 14:21 CredeKaos: HTTP://CREDESTO RE.BLOGFREE.NET
  10. 25/2 20:52 lula_7: ciao
  11. 23/2 21:19 lula_7: che bello ogni tanto mi vieni a trovare..tvtb
  12. 23/2 21:18 lula_7: ciao
  13. 23/2 21:15 Kia_7: ciaooo teso'..
  14. 8/2 22:55 lula_7: hello girl's .. subscribe ...thank's
  15. 8/2 21:32 o.O'GameMaster'O. o: [NOSPAM] Siete invitati al 1° contest di GamePARADISE !! CLICCA QUI ( se ritenete spam cancellate pure :) )
  16. 4/2 0:56 lula_7: ciao iscrivetevi in numerose ..grazie
  17. 24/12 15:11 dragana: merry christmas to everyone...!!!!!
  18. 23/12 0:22 lula_7: GOODNIGHT DRAGANA
  19. 22/12 23:56 dragana: :)
  20. 21/12 23:01 dragana: girls you can talk in italian...sice you all are..i'll try to learn..and maybe one day i can talk too...hihi..
  21. 20/12 23:00 Kia_7: blog under constuction..(s e c volete aiutare scriveteci!!)
  22. 20/12 21:15 lula_7: teso ciao
  23. 20/12 18:36 Kia_7: teso' c sei??
  24. 20/12 17:55 Kia_7: bn tt italiani ^^...x ora solo dragana nn e' italiana..hihih
  25. 20/12 17:51 »Dany«: anche io!in prv di Milano...tu?
  26. 20/12 17:38 lula_7: hello welcome dany ..I am Italian ..where you come from?
  27. 20/12 17:32 »Dany«: hi lula_7...Where are you from?
  28. 20/12 17:28 lula_7: hi
  29. 20/12 16:41 Kia_7: hola dany..welcome.. ^^
  30. 20/12 16:37 »Dany«: good afternoon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  31. 19/12 22:37 dragana: you have a good night too...bacio.... .
  32. 19/12 22:35 lula_7: goodnight Dragana
  33. 19/12 22:34 lula_7: hours I go to sleep .. I wish you a good night .. thanks again
  34. 19/12 22:33 dragana: ooh...you make me blush....tnx... .same here....
  35. 19/12 22:32 lula_7: thanks so much ... You are free to post what you want us so much pleasure your presence ...
  36. 19/12 22:31 dragana: ok then...
  37. 19/12 22:30 lula_7: do not worry so much ... I understand something of English .. even if you do not speak well ..
  38. 19/12 22:28 dragana: if i can do something just let me know....
  39. 19/12 22:27 dragana: sure...!!!
  40. 19/12 22:26 lula_7: Thanks for supporting the blog!!:)
  41. 19/12 22:25 dragana: i know just some lil' words an expresions..
  42. 19/12 22:25 dragana: no..don't worry...i don't speak english good too....i'm sorry i can't speak italian....
  43. 19/12 22:25 lula_7: you speak Italian?!?
  44. 19/12 22:24 dragana: today i feel better... :)
  45. 19/12 22:24 lula_7: sorry for not speaking good English!hihi
  46. 19/12 22:22 lula_7: well .. thanks ..! you how are you?
  47. 19/12 22:19 dragana: how are you..??
  48. 19/12 22:12 lula_7: CIAO DRAGANA
  49. 19/12 22:07 dragana: ciao a ti!!!
  50. 19/12 21:35 lula_7: hi..ciao a tutti i visitatori
  51. 19/12 11:42 dragana: i'm happy to be here...!!!


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